Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Dream Revealed

We were recently challenged as we worked on one of our current businesses that the way to be successful is not so much by our efforts to make it work, but by discovering that which motivates us to do the work in the first place and keep at it. Little did we know that the results of something as simple as looking for a dream would be so powerful. This was a challenge to uncover our "why":
  • Why do I do what I do? 
  • Am I fulfilled by what I am now doing? 
  • What do I really want to invest my life in?
  • Where do I want to be next year... or in ten years? 
  • What is my white hot passion? 
  • Do I have the resources to fulfill my dream even if I had one? 
  • What do I really want to accomplish with my life? 
We were challenged to dig deep and examine our hearts for what God might really want to do in our lives. We were challenged to allow ourselves to be poured into so that we don't burn out, because it takes constant input to keep charged up for constant outflow.  The more that comes in, the more we can pour out into other's lives.  This applies spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, not just really applies in all areas of life.  If we want to be able to invest in other's lives in any of these areas, we have to be fed by another source. We were challenged to go to the expert in whatever area we needed input, so we could grow ourselves and become the best we can in every area possible. One direction we were pushed was to start taking in The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork by John C. Maxwell. This has proven very helpful. We also started listening to the daily A Minute with Maxwell which we have found to be challenging, applicable, and motivating in the direction God is leading us. We find the principles taught are also reinforce spiritual principles from the Bible, which is ultimately our guide for life. In thinking about our goals and dreams from a spiritual perspective, these and other important questions come to mind:
  • Am I accomplishing all I believe God wants me to? 
  • Is the way I'm living life right now bringing as much glory to God as He can possibly wish to bring in my life? 
  • Am I realizing the full extent my "heart's desire" as Psalm 37 challenges? 
  • Do I even know what my desire is?
  • Have I given my own desires over to the Lord so that He can reveal His desire in my own heart?
What we realized, not by so much trying, but just by being open and willing and ready to move forward when necessary...and working on our own lives a little, we started coming back to a dream that had been a part of our lives since our marriage. We had often considered working in a foreign country, having both spent some years in the Philippines before our marriage. We truly desired to help children whether in an orphanage setting or somewhere else. That dream was on standby for the last 10 years, but gradually it has come into focus again for us. But it was becoming even more clear after our involvement with the foster/adoptive system here in Kalispell. 

Without our planning it, we had developed reputation, relationships, and experience over the past several years through the process of adopting of four kids during that time frame. God is orchestrating things in our lives to bring about His purpose. Through the culmination of our life experiences to this point, our dream coming full circle, and the perfect timing of our amazing God, we have realized one of our deepest desires.  

We want to serve the Lord and further His kingdom by making a difference in more children's lives than we can by bringing them into our own immediate family. We feel specifically drawn at this time to focus our efforts on provide a haven of hope, help, and healing to the hurting children in our area and beyond. We have a vision of seeing this accomplished through the founding of a group home for a specific group of hurting kids. That will be developed further as we begin to journalize the events of the past couple weeks during which we have seen beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is doing something great. 

You will see over the next several posts, God has been putting a team together. He is leading in many different ways and in many different hearts. Please join us as we celebrate what God is doing. If you are burdened in any way, we would love for you to share your comments below.

This is not about us. 

It is about what God has already been doing.  

We just want to stay open to His leading, ready to move forward at a moment's notice, and do our best to hang on for the ride.

Will you join us?

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting! I will be keeping you in my prayers.
