What does a wave have to do with Harmony Acres?
The Bible compares our lives sometimes to waves. We aren't supposed to be driven and tossed around by waves even though that's obviously what typically happens when someone is in the ocean. But, even with the warning, the implication is that there are waves all around.
What are we to do when there is the sheer terror of massive, crashing waves around?
We are to have grit, commitment, stick-to-itiveness, and be all-in, dedicated 100% to what God has put before us. We are not to be driven and tossed by the waves around us. But when there are waves, what are we supposed to do with them? I think we should learn to ride them!
There are so many children that need to be rescued from lives wracked with abuse, abandonment, and neglect.
We could throw our hands up in despair and hopelessness and let yet another wave crash over us and toss us around, endangering us and those around us, but that is CLEARLY not what God wants us to do.
We are going to learn to ride this wave, even though it is HUGE and gives cause for human fear.
The immensity of what is before us reminds us of how small and insignificant we really are. We have felt the swell underneath us and caught some feeling of the enormity and momentum of the coming wave, as we have been drawn into its tide. We have also felt in the past few weeks like things are moving slower than they were before when we started paddling out into the surf. Yes, we are still paddling, and we are patiently waiting for the big wave that is coming.
We may have to let some smaller swells go by as we try to focus and not get sidetracked by things that are not as important.
As the tide ebbs and swells underneath us, you may have felt in the past month like we have. We have gone through highs and lows, and there has been a lot of sickness and trials that have met many of our team, including our family has gone through. These are just life happening and distractions that remind us that the Evil One does not want us to be successful. He is NOT interested in us finding the right wave to ride.
The Enemy would prefer that we try to ride a smaller wave, or just get off track all-together.
But we are as committed as ever to persevere and hang on and keep paddling till we are sure it is time to stand up on our board and take the Big One. We know it will be frightening if we look at our surroundings, but we also know it will be the greatest ride of our lives if we stay focused, and in the meantime prepare to meet the challenge God has before us.
Will you pray with us for wisdom, commitment, dedication, patience, faithfulness, and resolve as we wait for the next big step God has for Harmony Acres?
Are you all-in and fully committed to whatever it is that God has called you to do?
If you feel called to be part of what God is doing at Harmony Acres through prayer or any other way, please let us know. We would like to add you to our Harmony Acres Team Facebook page so you can keep in touch.
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